Some of these American White Pelicans have developed black feathers on the back of their heads.

Some of these American White Pelicans have developed black feathers on the back of their heads.

Some of these American White Pelicans have developed black feathers on the back of their heads.

A monarch butterfly hangs on in the wind.

A monarch butterfly hangs on in the wind.

An odd bird nest seen at the Freeborn County

An odd bird nest seen at the Freeborn County

Buried underwear.

Buried underwear.

Everyone should have a favorite tractor.

Everyone should have a favorite tractor.

Everyone should have a favorite tractor.

Everyone should have a favorite tractor.

This woolly bear caterpillar was unwilling to make any weather forecasts.

This woolly bear caterpillar was unwilling to make any weather forecasts.

In Taopi, Minnesota. Taopi’s population is just enough.

In Taopi, Minnesota. Taopi’s population is just enough.

A bouquet of wild bergamot. It smells like Earl Grey tea, but I don’t hold that against it.

A bouquet of wild bergamot. It smells like Earl Grey tea, but I don’t hold that against it.